Camp Harmony Update

From The Folknik Nov/Dec 1999

It's almost time for Camp Harmony again! Dates are Dec. 28, 1999-Jan. 2, 2000. If you haven't registered yet do it now! Bargain registration ends Nov. 4 and camp often fills up by then, but there still may be room. If you're already registered, and you realize you can't make all or part of camp, please notify our registrar, Sandie Schuitema, ASAP at (510) 865-3645 (8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.; leave a message) or, so that she can make camp available to as many people as possible. The earlier you cancel, the larger your refund will be. See the green registration instruction sheet or confirmation letter for details.

If you have already registered, please allow 30 days after you send your registration form to receive your confirmation letter before calling to check. If you haven't heard from Sandie by then (or by December 10 at the latest), then contact her. (Did you remember your SASE? If not, that's probably why you haven't heard. Send her one if you forgot.)

Because of popular demand, there will be a new system for pre-registered campers to sell or donate unwanted meals to other campers. Details will be available at camp.

Drop-ins: If you are not signed up or didn't get in, SFFMC members can drop in to camp. The cost per day is $30 for adults, $25 for children 3-12. Some meals in the dining room MAY be available from pre-registered campers (see preceding paragraph). A drop-in "day" is 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. the next day. Drop-ins may use a bed if one is available. Pre-registered campers have priority on beds each day, so drop-ins may claim a bed only after 10:00 p.m., and must vacate it by noon each day to make it available to newly-arriving pre-registered campers.

Advance workshop scheduling:(Oops, we were wrong in last month's folknik.) Madge Strong is doing this again this year. Please contact her at (707) 937-5112 or if you have something you'd like to schedule. We especially need beginning workshops of all kinds.

Family activities/arts and crafts: Tom "Reaps" Reaper continues as the co-ordinator of this department. He has a big job, and can use all the help he can get. He will need a daily supervisor for the Arts and Crafts rooms, so please contact him in advance if you are interested in fulfilling your chore commitment in this way. As usual, good, clean costume clothes and other craft items are appreciated for use in arts and crafts and other kids' activities. Please contact Reaps at (805) 968-7770 or

Chores: Camp Harmony depends on every camper contributing about an hour of work for every day of camp, even those aged 12 -17. If you leave camp early due to emergency, please be sure that you tape over your name on any uncompleted chores and check out with someone at the registration desk. See your confirmation letter for details.

Flu shots: Recommended for all campers to help keep down the Camp Crud. Get them at least 6 weeks before camp, if you can.

For further information, see the article in the September/October folknik, or the green sheet included with the registration form.

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