Music and Board Meetings  

From The Folknik Nov/Dec 1998

Music Meetings

Nov 6Nov 20Dec 4Dec 18 Solstanukmas PartyJan 15
SetupCharlie BrownMarisa MalvinoJude ReseigneEd HiltonMallory Saul
Bulletin BoardEleanor WilliamsMarisa MalvinoFaithFaithFaith
Host/essDebbie KleinAlison Pryle Jillian TallmerBobbie RaymondMallory Saul
Host/essJan SeifertPhil Morgan Steve HighsonShirley BakerSum Bodie
Singing RoomJulie BidouMarisa MalvinoMelissa SarenacJulie BidouDebbie Klein
ThemeFreedomSoulful SongsSongs from the Far SideSongs of the SeasonTired and/or Lonesome
Cleanuplate stayerslast to leaveYakinRuup Yakin

January 1, there will be no meeting. For the first time in 40 years, SFFMC is skipping a Friday. Everyone we called said they would be away New Years Day. Amazing and alas!

Board Meetings

Second Tuesday of each month. Potluck at 6:30, meeting at 7:30. Everyone welcome - great food.

Nov 10: Joan Hall and Abe Feinberg , Oakland 510-451-1122.
Dec 8: Joan Hall and Abe Feinberg , Oakland 510-451-1122.

Copy deadline for the Jan/Feb 1999 issue of the folknik is November 20.

Next Fold-in

Next Fold-in: Sunday, December 12, 1998 12 NOON (Potluck and singing when the work's all done): Joan Hall/Abe Feinberg, Oakland, 510-451-1122. Bring a potluck dish and an instrument and join in the potluck meal and sing that follow the fold-in.

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