Harmony Notes II

From The Folknik Nov/Dec 1998

It's almost time for Camp Harmony again! Dates are Dec. 29, 1998 - Jan. 3, 1999. If you haven't registered yet-do it now! Bargain registration ends Nov. 5, and camp often fills up by then, but there still may be room. If you're already registered, and you realize you can't make all or part of camp, please notify our registrar, Sandie Schuitema, ASAP at (510) 865-3545 (8AM-9PM - leave a message) or SandMando@aol.com, so that she can make camp available to as many people as possible. The earlier you cancel, the larger your refund as well - see your gold registration instruction sheet or confirmation letter for details.

If you have already registered, please allow 30 days after you send your reg. form to receive your confirmation letter before calling to check. If you haven't heard from Sandie by then (or by December 10 at the latest), then contact her. (Did you include an SASE? If not, then that's probably why you haven't heard - send her one if you forgot.)

If you are not signed up or didn't get in, SFFMC members can use the drop-in policy. The cost per day is $30 (no meals available) and carrying out one chore hour. A drop-in "day" is 2PM to 2PM the next day. Drop-ins may use a bed if one is available. Preregistered campers have priority on beds each day, so drop-ins may claim a bed only after 10PM, and must vacate it by noon each day to make it available to newly-arriving preregistered campers.

There are several changes at camp this year - please read on.

Family Activities/Arts & Crafts

After years of doing an incredible job of organizing family activities at Camp Harmony (and other Folk Club activities), Laurie Vela has moved to Philadelphia, and won't be able to organize family activities again this year. Thanks to Laurie for the wonderful job she's done. She does hope to be at camp this year.

Tom Reaper, AKA "Reaps," has volunteered to take over the job of organizing family activities. However, this is a big job, and he will be glad to have all the help he can get. So, if you can help with arts and crafts or other family activities, please contact him at 73123.1422@compuserve.com or (805) 968-7770. As usual, good, clean, recycled, usable items and costume clothes are appreciated for use in arts & crafts and other kids' activities. If you have a family-oriented workshop you want to lead, please let Reaps know, but contact Madge (see below) for all workshop scheduling.


We've been making efforts the past couple of years to make sure all the chores necessary for the smooth operation of camp get done. But, there have still been a fair number of unfilled chore slots (esp. New Year's Eve), and enough no-shows, that there have been occasional problems. So, there will be some new guidelines for what to do when you remove your name from a chore, or if you leave camp early.

Details will be in your confirmation letter, and posted at camp. But, the basic rule is unchanged: your one chore-hour per day is part of your "payment" for attending camp - it's part of how we keep camp costs low. You are responsible for the chores signed for in your name - please show up and do them regardless of how much fun you might be having at the time.

If you must change a chore on your schedule, please do so as early as possible and at least eight hours before it starts (or by 5 PM for chores before 10 AM the following day). This will give people time to sign up for the jobs you vacated. And, don't forget the "Ralph" principle - if you see something that needs to be done, don't wait for that mythical "someone else" to do it; pitch in and make it happen!

If you have to leave camp early, please notify the registration table, and tape over your uncompleted chores so other campers can fill them.

Advance Workshop Scheduling: Madge Strong is doing advance workshop scheduling this year. Please contact her at (707) 937-5112 or mstrong@mcn.org if you have something you'd like to schedule. We especially need beginning workshops of all kinds.

If you have any health, disability or dietary concerns, contact Ray Frank at (707) 782-1009.

This is supposed to be a bad flu season, and viruses are frequently passed around at camp, so you are strongly encouraged to get your flu shot no less than 6 weeks prior to camp.

NO PETS or beeping things, as usual.

The annual button-making party for camp is Tuesday, December 1, 1998, beginning at 5:00 PM and will be held at Mary and David Luckhardt's house at 920 32nd St., Richmond. Call 510-233-5065 or e-mail Mary2Dance@aol.com for directions. There will be some food provided by SFFMC, and potluck is also welcome.

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