July 4, 1999 at Boulder Creek

From The Folknik May/June 1999

We will be at Boulder Creek Scout Reservation again, the same place as our July 4, 1998 campout and also last year's Labor Day. The camp is near the town of Boulder Creek on Bear Creek Road. A confirmation and directions to the camp will be sent to you when you register. Please register early; the ranger would like to have an approximate count of the number of people attending before we arrive. Registration form is below on this page.

There are handcarts at the camp for transporting camping gear to and from the campsites. Plan to pack as light as possible.

We will have SFFMC volunteers to register campers and direct parking. There will be signs designating the parking area. Please follow the directions of the people directing the parking. The parking lot duty is one of the first things we'll need volunteers for.

Activities: Potluck, Swimming (Maybe)

There will be a community potluck at the outside dining area near the kitchen on Sat. night at 6:30 p.m.

A concert in the amphitheater will follow. You can bring your potluck food and store it in the refrigerator in the camp kitchen until the dinner. There is also a freezer. The kitchen has stoves we can use for heating food and is fully equipped with pots and pans.

We are allowed to use the kitchen on Friday night for storage ONLY, the other nights for cooking also.

Bring your own plates and silverware to the potluck dinner; paper plates and plastic eating utensils are suggested. There is no dish washing machine.

We hope to have a lifeguard and use the pool, which is smaller than the pool at Camp Cutter-maybe one-third the size. If any members have an up-to-date Red Cross Lifesaving certificate and are willing to work a shift as lifeguard for a duty, please bring the certificate to camp and contact SFFMC c/o Faith.Pet@aol or (415) 661-2217 ASAP. If we hire a lifeguard, we will charge a nominal fee to cover the cost.

Help Needed

Please plan to sign up for an hour for a duty: parking, registration, archery supervision, or camp cleanup, especially at the end of camp. Archery volunteers should be familiar with the equipment. If we have someone familiar with archery, maybe we could instruct some of the rest of the volunteers.

Caution-Quiet Hours

The camp has neighbors directly across Bear Creek, so any singing after 10:00 p.m.-the usual curfew for noise-near the creek will need to be quiet songs. We need to locate our singing circle or circles as far from the creek if possible if we plan to sing later than that.

BOULDER CREEK SCOUT RESERVATION July 4 weekend, 1999 Friday, July 2-Monday, July 5

Name: ______________________________________________Home Phone: ( ) ____________________________

Address: ____________________________________________Work Phone: ( ) ____________________________

City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________E-mail____________________________

Fri.____ Adults x $6 = $ ________ + _____ Kids under 12x $3 = $ ______ = $ ________

Sat.____ Adults x $6 = $ ________ + ______Kids under 12x $3 = $ ______ = $ ________

Sun. ___Adults x $6 = $ ________ + _____ Kids under 12x $3= $ ______ = $ ________

Maximum for family $18 /night Total Enclosed: $ _________

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