Newsletter of the San Francisco Folk Music Club -
friends and families making home-grown music together.

Deadline for the next issue of the folknik: Friday, June 1.
Send email to the

Contributors to this edition of the folknik:

Phyllis Jardine Editor-in-Chief
Thad Binkley Assistant Editor
Susan Frank Pages 1, 7, 8
Marlene McCall Club News Editor (Pages 2-3)
Lisa Hubbell Reviews Editor (Page 4)
Barbara Millikan, Kay Eskenazi, Ray Franke Song Page Editors (Pages 5-6)
Shelby Solomon Calendar Editor (Pages 9-10)
Faith Petric Consultant & Reporter
The East Bay Gang of Folders and Phil "Bulk Mail" Morgan
David Luckhardt Folk Club Web Page
Garry Wiegand Website Provider
Kenneth Hayes Membership Secretary
John Kelly Online folknik Editor

Thanks to the February Fold-in Elves! Thad Binkley, Abe & Joan Feinberg, Frank Fox, Ellen & Jeff Furman, Marian Gade, Ed Hilton, Stephen Hopkins, Phyllis Jardine, Kathryn Lamar, Jerry Michaels, Elaine Miles, Joy Salatino, Bob Semple, Margie Wade; mailing by Stephen Hopkins.