Harmony Notes, 1997-98

From The Folknik Jan/Feb 1998

It's getting even closer! Some last minute additions and corrections for this year's Harmony:

First: Drop-in policy is for the complete 24 hours, 2 :00 p.m. one day to 2 :00 p.m. the next day. (An earlier note stated till 2 :00 a.m.)

Second: Families with children can pre-register to share cabins with other families (similar sleep and noise habits) by calling Rae Fixler, (510) 283-3400.

Third: Those interested in helping with arts and crafts for chore hours or in giving family workshops should call Laurie Vela at (408) 688-6744 (Pre-registration for other workshops is still being done by Phillip Garrison, (510) 526-5140, pgarrison@pobox.com).

Fourth and last: The folk club is finally a non-profit corporation! This means we are anticipating that donations to the club, like to the Campership Scholarship Fund, will be retroactively tax- deductible as soon as the IRS concurs with the state's acceptance of us as non-profit, and classifies us a "501-C3 educational corporation." (This is generally a "rubber stamp" action.) So donate large sums often!

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