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20th Labor Heritage Festival

The 20th Annual Western Workers Labor Heritage Festival is a weekend of solidarity honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in an era of war, racism, and hard times. It takes place January 13–15, at the Union Halls of the Machinists Local 1781, the Plumbers Local 467, and Transport Workers Local 505, 1511 Rollins Road, Burlingame.

The festival features music, drama, visual arts, spoken word, poetry, photography and more! Admission: $10-15 seniors/students/unemployed, $15-20 working folks.

Some programs and invited presenters:

Fold-in/Folk Sing February 26

The fold-in is at noon, Sunday, February 26, at the home of Abe & Joan Feinberg. The more, the merrier. Help with the folknik, enjoy a meal afterwards, and make music. Bring a potluck dish and instruments.

Save the Date—Free Folk Festival

2006’s San Francisco Free Folk Music Festival will be held on June 24-25—the last weekend in June—at Roosevelt School, in SF. Mark your calendars now for the San Francisco Folk Music Club’s annual gift to the bay area and a wonderful weekend of music.

Folknik is a Bad Word?

Reprinted from the March 1965 folknik.

Since the folknik started publication, I have been told by several persons—gently and kindly each time—that the addition of ‘nik’ to a word has a derogatory implication and might be taken by some to be either a cut-down or a condescension (or even worse).

I’m sorry.

I’ll admit the name was my idea and at the time, no one objected or came up with anything else. We can change easily enough if any one has a better idea. In the meantime, I’d like to explain that (in my innocence) I tho’t Nik was NICE. I first heard it when the R------s put up their Sputnik and newspapers explained that this meant ‘little friend who travels with us’ or something like that. And altho’ I knew Herb Caen wasn’t being kind to the Beats when he added nik to their name, I didn’t really let that bother me. When I saw nik on the end of a word I still thought it meant it was something to love and take care of, a friend and companion. Like folk music and people who sing it; you know: Folkniks. I’m reminded that the “Quakers” were so called to ridicule and mock them. But they have made Quaker a name respected the world around. Having stuck us with ‘folknik’, I guess we’ll just have to follow the Quaker example. Are you with me?